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Nová opatření týkající se dopravců

  1. Import declarations need to be made using the Customs Declaration Service from 1 October 2022. You need to act now and there is help and support available on Gov.UK and YouTube.
  2. If you know you can’t be ready for that date, you should consider using a customs agent who can help you. We have a list on Gov.UK.
  3. If you are unable to use CDS for your import declarations or use a customs agent, we are allowing CHIEF badge holders to seek permission for a short extension to use CHIEF beyond 30 September, if you have a clear business reason. You need to apply using an online form and further details are available on Gov.UK.
  4. Those that successfully apply for an extension will be provided with help and support to move to the Customs Declaration Service as soon as possible.  
  5. A limited group of declarants are unable to fully migrate their imports so can continue to use CHIEF for imports without having to apply for continued use. We will contact those declarants directly to let them know.  
  6. If you continue to use CHIEF from 1 October 2022 without permission, HMRC reserves the right to remove your access.

Daniel Žemla
| Market Access Adviser for Austria, Czechia and Slovakia

British Embassy Prague | Thunovska 14, 118 00 Prague

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